TS21 3 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

TS21 3 is a postcode sector in County Durham, UK. Below is a complete list of TS21 3 Postcodes (Active). TS21 3 postcode sector comprises of 149 active postcodes. TS21 3 sector has a population of 3223, and it has 1358 properties in the region.

Browse Information On TS21 3 postcode sector

TS21 3 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 3223
Addresses / Property Count 1358
Active Postcodes 149
Nearby Postcode Districts 29
Nearby Postcode Sectors 3

View Map Of TS21 3 Postcode Sector

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showing 0-50 of 149 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
TS21 3AA 54.65325900 -1.44268800 10 27 436056 528827
TS21 3AB 54.65364900 -1.44162900 18 46 436124 528871
TS21 3AD 54.65427800 -1.44158900 14 31 436126 528941
TS21 3AE 54.65486200 -1.44161200 7 15 436124 529006
TS21 3AF 54.65517000 -1.44202600 14 32 436097 529040
TS21 3AG 54.65477000 -1.44299300 6 15 436035 528995
TS21 3AH 54.65435400 -1.44250300 12 28 436067 528949
TS21 3AJ 54.65421400 -1.44338800 17 27 436010 528933
TS21 3AL 54.65372600 -1.44280600 6 17 436048 528879
TS21 3AN 54.65310300 -1.44405400 9 23 435968 528809
TS21 3AP 54.65320800 -1.44541700 5 11 435880 528820
TS21 3AQ 54.65397500 -1.44413500 29 82 435962 528906
TS21 3AR 54.65366100 -1.45002900 4 8 435582 528868
TS21 3AS 54.65366100 -1.45023100 N/A N/A 435569 528868
TS21 3AT 54.65375000 -1.44795100 10 20 435716 528879
TS21 3AU 54.65408300 -1.44577400 22 56 435856 528917
TS21 3AW 54.65300800 -1.44489200 8 17 435914 528798
TS21 3AX 54.65439800 -1.44625300 16 37 435825 528952
TS21 3AY 54.65541900 -1.44552600 1 4 435871 529066
TS21 3AZ 54.65526200 -1.44613000 2 4 435832 529048
TS21 3BA 54.65524600 -1.44686100 5 14 435785 529046
TS21 3BB 54.65571300 -1.44674700 4 9 435792 529098
TS21 3BD 54.65490900 -1.44788900 28 69 435719 529008
TS21 3BE 54.65626900 -1.44858300 29 63 435673 529159
TS21 3BF 54.67373400 -1.44510300 N/A N/A 435882 531104
TS21 3BG 54.65559400 -1.44823600 16 18 435696 529084
TS21 3BH 54.65629500 -1.45008300 2 5 435576 529161
TS21 3BJ 54.65381000 -1.44534600 11 28 435884 528887
TS21 3BL 54.65468800 -1.44479200 10 21 435919 528985
TS21 3BN 54.65403200 -1.44880000 N/A N/A 435661 528910
TS21 3BP 54.66277600 -1.45268100 66 114 435403 529881
TS21 3BQ 54.65660100 -1.45033100 5 13 435560 529195
TS21 3BS 54.65413300 -1.45126300 5 13 435502 528920
TS21 3BT 54.65508400 -1.45090900 8 20 435524 529026
TS21 3BU 54.65529700 -1.45028600 15 36 435564 529050
TS21 3BW 54.65448100 -1.44859200 36 44 435674 528960
TS21 3BX 54.65500700 -1.44971700 35 92 435601 529018
TS21 3BY 54.65750600 -1.44986900 22 43 435589 529296
TS21 3BZ 54.65766400 -1.45095200 20 38 435519 529313
TS21 3DA 54.65840700 -1.44838400 16 46 435684 529397
TS21 3DB 54.65841600 -1.44646200 13 26 435808 529399
TS21 3DD 54.65741300 -1.44318900 N/A N/A 436020 529289
TS21 3DE 54.65663500 -1.44611400 30 63 435832 529201
TS21 3DF 54.65685300 -1.44657600 25 46 435802 529225
TS21 3DG 54.65705300 -1.44705400 24 45 435771 529247
TS21 3DH 54.65721200 -1.44836900 26 61 435686 529264
TS21 3DJ 54.65795200 -1.44877500 6 17 435659 529346
TS21 3DL 54.65790200 -1.44803400 11 35 435707 529341
TS21 3DN 54.65743200 -1.44942000 13 24 435618 529288
TS21 3DQ 54.65686100 -1.44820300 14 32 435697 529225
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